What Is In Your Hands?

Welcome to another episode of Press Pray where we take a moment to pause, pray and meditate in the presence of God.


Today we focus on what is in your hands. Ask yourself, what are you carrying in this moment? Are you overwhelmed by all that you have to do at home or at work? Are you filled with anxiety? Or anger or bitterness? Or perhaps you are just lukewarm about life itself – you’re not too hot or too cold – but are you just surviving? Join us today as we acknowledge, with grace and compassion, what we are truly carrying in this moment, and as we release these burdens to God through prayer and meditation.

Scripture Reference: Matthew 11:28-29

“Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Come to me.  I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. Simply join your life with mine.  Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me. Matthew 11:28-29